martes, 15 de enero de 2013

I know one day I came to Stuttgart


"Se que un día llegue a Paris, se que estuve viviendo de prestado, 

haciendo lo que otros hacen y viviendo lo que otros ven" 

Julio Cortazar "Rayuela" 

Like Cortazar said... I know one day I came to Stuttgart, I was living on borrowed time, doing what others and what others see live... 
I came to Germany three months ago, my second time here will be different than the first one. This time I decided come to start the beginning of my dreams and projects. 
The people still ask me...Why?. .. Why there? Why now? Why, why why?...Sorry I don't have the exactly reply that they think to  need, because I still didn‘t get the answer for my soul. I just know that life is like that yet. I‘m living in another country, far away to home, away to my friends, away to my family, away to my lifestyle of  24 years old. 
But here I feel something that I cannot explain, something is here for me...magic...
After 3 months, I am not anymore the same person who took a flight in Mexico City for come here, I am not the same person than 3, 2...months ago...I am not the same person than yesterday...
One year ago in Frankfurt Main, the lovely Daniel Drummer told me:  "You are not the same person when you meet new people, when you travel and when you finish to read a book".  Alright! And how forgot this day when everything also was magic and spontaneous like myself.  Daniel Drummer, a business man with 24 years old, already 25, doesn‘t matter he always had too many clever ideas in his mind. Always the same place for meet up him... An Airport. Mexico and Frankfurt and he always looking elegant like an english gentleman.  
I did not choose a easy way and easy country. Mexico is totally different and opposite to Germany. The people, the culture, the rules, the language... sometimes it is making homesick to me and chaos in my mind. But I am so happy because I am here and I have new experiences, new lifestyle, I am learning a lot and growing up little by little.
I am also lucky because I met really good friends. I like that the life always bring me the things I need and the right things, the right people and the right mentality for understand everything.
Explain how is the life in Germany maybe it‘s difficult and long.  But I will try to do it step by step.
What would you do if you were not afraid? Fear sometimes destroys the dreams, but not mine. Sometimes I look like a weak girl, but I am not. Long time ago not anymore, maybe after my mom died I stop with it, cause anything else could be so bad like that, so since then I am not afraid anymore for nothing and for anyone. I think the thing just happen or not... and like could be say him...It‘s life and you cannot change it (sometimes).
The plan is already changing, I think will be difficult get german lifestyle, the always have plan for everything, I am still mexican and I cannot do it always.  I am just living and enjoying the good moments, the good and the bad people, cause everything is learn.  Just it.
The new year bring me new things and one new change for start again, is not easy start again but could be worst. I am in the middle the middle of my old Germany and my new Germany. Between to Tübingen and Stuttgart and Esslingen. Dettenhausen is the name of the small town, in the middle of the forest and I live here yet.  This one is a real village, just with germans house around and with a silence everywhere. 
The snow is already on the grass, on the floor and on the roof of the houses. The paradise is white again. The winter is hard, sometimes I decided to go out and other times I just look like a flower in the spring in a cold country as Germany.

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